The coach of Salzburg:There are more tragedies in the world than this

FK Salzburg`s coach Marco Rosse admitted he was very angry at the Russian judging brigade after the semi-finals in the Europa League. The Austrian team won 2:1 after a rebound against Olympique Marseille but was eliminated for the loss of 0:2 in the first game. The duel went to penalty shootout when five minutes before the end of the extra time, the main referee, Sergei Karasev, incorrectly judged a corner shot, after which the French scored goals and sent them to the final. `Originally, I was extremely angry, and this is the normal human response to an injustice, and later I realized from the Judge`s observer that the referees were very upset because they realized they had made a mistake. ` Moreover, they acknowledged this mistakeOnce they`ve done so, I`m ready to forgive them because everyone can be wrong, `Rosette commented. `We have dropped out, but I think there are bigger tragedies in the world, and it is normal to be disappointed, ` I personally am very sorry for the boys because they struggled hard and deserved more, but we know we wereI hope this year`s successes in the Europa League to help the players continue to grow and improve The team showed a great character I think we played great Austrian football on the European scene and it would not be unfair if wewe were in the final, `he said.
Sports director Christoph Freud admitted that most of the players had plagues in the dressing room. `The disappointment is enormous, a lot of tears have been shed in the dressing room, so to get rid of this, to erase the pass from the first meeting, to be better on the pitch, but to drop it is difficult to swallow. to learn, `Freud said. Striker Fredrik Gulbrandsen said he would be broken. `We scored two goals, we did everything we could, it was really terrible, we were broken, our dream died, we could be proud of it, but it`s hard to concentrate on it now, ` he said.
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