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Combo prediction Komo bought Smolchich from Rijek for 2 million euros and leased to lease with a ransom option

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combo tips Como announced two transactions. The Croatian defender Ivan Smolchich joined the Italian team. A four -year contract is concluded with him.
According to Germanijak, Rick will receive about 2 million euros for a 24-year-old football player.
This season, Smolchich held 18 games in the Croatian championship predictions by archive of combo tips and scored 1 goal. In detail with its statistics, you can familiarize yourself with our website.
Image: X/Como_1907
Como also leased the defender Marco Sala. The 25-year-old Italian will finish the season in Lechch and subsequently can be bought out-the option is provided for by the agreement.
Sala took part in 8 matches of series A this season. In detail its indicators can be studied on our website.
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